
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2017

pekerjaan part time yang tidak mengganggu waktu kuliah kamu

Selama tidak mengganggu perkuliahan kamu, pekerjaan part-time adalah cara yang bagus untuk memanfaatkan waktu luang, sekaligus melatih softskill, menambah pengalaman, dan uang saku.  Ada banyak sekali yang bisa kamu kerjakan sebagai mahasiswa seperti dibawah ini nih:  Kerja di dalam Kampus Tidak semua negara mengijinkan mahasiswa internasional untuk bekerja. Akan tetapi kamu jangan kecewa dulu. Banyak kampus yang membuka lowongan untuk mahasiswa. Baik itu di kantin, perpustakaan, kantor administrasi, hingga bekerja sebagai asisten dosen dan laboratorium.  Penjaga Toko Jadwal kuliah di kampus biasanya tidak terlalu padat. Jadi masih ada waktu untuk mencari pekerjaan sampingan. Di luar negeri, banyak toko yang memperkerjakan mahasiswa, dan jam kerja dibagi menjadi beberapa shift, sehingga mahasiswa dapat menyesuaikan waktu dengan baik.  Bekerja di Restoran Bekerja di restoran membutuhkan stamina yang bagus. Kamu harus terbiasa dengan ja...

Why village Always Misses

The hometown where we were born, where we grow and grow until we are like now. Whatever we wander, even to the end of the world, the village will always remain in the heart. At home there is home, the most comfortable place in the world. There are also families and loved ones who are faithful waiting for our return, whatever the circumstances. Here are some reasons why hometown is always missed: Family Families, especially parents, are the main reason why you long for homecoming back home. although almost every day you call or communicate with them. It feels less good  if not face to face directly. The family is indispensable by anything, and they will certainly continue to receive us, no matter what the circumstances. Tradition of village   Different cities different traditions, including in your hometown. Of course there are traditions that you do not meet in overseas cities. Traditions in the area usually highlight the togetherness of people, which you ...

Permainan Tradisional Anak Indonesia dan Cara Bermainnya

  Masa kanak-kanak merupakan masa paling menyenangkan dalam hidup. Pada masa-masa ini mereka akan banyak menghabiskan waktunya untuk bermain dan belajar tentang lingkungan dan apa yang ada di sekitarnya. Meskipun di tuntut untuk banyak belajar, namun tak sepenuhnya ilmu yang harus di pelajari di dapatkan dari pendidikan formal. Melalui bersosialisasi dengan teman sebaya dan memainkan permainan bersama itupun sudah menjadi satu pelajaran penting untuk anak-anak. Namun sayangnya saat ini kebanyakan anak-anak justru memilih untuk berdiam diri di rumah dan hanya bermain game di gadget mereka. Hal ini membuat permainan tradisional di lupakan dan tidak di mainkan lagi. Padahal, sebenarnya macam-macam permainan anak-anak Indonesia yang sudah jarang di temui ini justru membawa dampak yang lebih baik bagi perkembangan anak, baik untuk perkembangan kreatifitas anak maupun perkembangan jiwa sosialnya. Berikut ini beberapa contoh macam-macam permainan tradisional  anak-...

Special Being A Teacher

            Life is a choice, the future that we will live will depend on what we choose now. In determining the choice is certainly a lot of consideration and not easy to decide which to choose. Every decision taken must have been well thought out and have the privilege so we are sure to take that decision. Being a teacher is the choice of some who find the privilege of a teacher. A teacher can learn to be a good and responsible parent. A teacher can channel positive things that are on her to her children at school. A Master must be an example, so spur someone who becomes a teacher to strive to be a good human being. In addition, by becoming a teacher one can become more mature and wise in addressing a problem. That is the privilege of being a teacher, while performing his duties as a teacher, he also learns to become a better human being.

8 Places Of Interest In North Sumatra

Medan is a city that has a million beauty panorama of nature and history. The capital of North Sumatra has hundreds of historic sites and heritage is very worth to visit. Not only that, Medan also became a haven for culinary lovers. There are thousands of types of typical cuisine from all districts in North Sumatra that can be found in the city of Medan so it can be said that Medan is a miniature of Tourism North Sumatra. Selaian that many other exotic places that you must visit, here are 10 places that you must visit when you travel in North Sumatra and Medan. 1. Lake Toba Speaking of North Sumatra and Medan as the capital, also speaks Lake Toba. The lake is located not far from the city of Medan has become one of the icons of Tourism in North Sumatra. So it is very inappropriate if not complete to Medan and not visit Lake Toba. Lake Toba offers a landscape that is so exotic, with hills surrounding the lake and the cool mountain air. Lake Toba is also a suitable place for you t...


12 HEALTH BENEFITS AND 6 DISADVANTAGES OF COFFEE (SMASHING IT! Caffeine, the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world, is the best known ingredient of coffee. Its beneficial effects on the human body has been researched quite well, but coffee as a whole is a complex beverage with a thousand different substances. Some studies argue that decaf and caffeinated coffee may have the same health effects and suggest that it’s not the caffeine that is responsible for most of coffee's health benefits. Research on coffee and it's pros and cons for humans is nowhere near finished, but here is a list of what we know at the moment: 12 HEALTH BENEFITS OF COFFEE Coffee boosts your physical performance.  Have a cup of black coffee about an hour before workout and your performance can  improve  by 11-12%.  Caffeine  increases  adrenaline levels in your blood. Adrenaline is your body’s “fight or flight” hormone which helps you to prepare ...